Wood Green BID

Making Wood Green: Better Connected Safer for All Cleaner A place to Invest

Wood Green BID Office

Our new address is:

Future Wood Green BID Ltd, The Mall Management Suite, 159 High Road, Wood Green, N22 6YQ

Office Hours:  Tues to Thurs:  9.00am – 5.00pm

E-mail:  office@woodgreenbid.co.uk

Phone number: 02032821400

Since Wood Green BID was formed in 2018, there are number of achievements we are proud to have delivered.

Thanks to the investment from the businesses in Wood Green the BID has been able to far deliver a range of projects or have made good progress on others.

While we still have lots to do, working with Partners including Haringey Council, Haringey Police, developers and other organisations, we are working hard to support all in the Town Centre. Our top four achievements so far are….

Supported in reporting over 2200 people for Crimes against businesses
Created the new Library Garden with the support from GLA and Haringey Council
Held over 20 Local Networking meetings and Delivered over 15 Workshops
Supported over 140 businesses through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Our services

Business & Investment

Wood Green BID provides a range of projects including: N22 Networking Meetings, Seminars and Training, Wood Green Vision, Wood Green Employment Service, Cost Savings Program and Invest Wood Green Program.

Events and Marketing

Services provided by the BID include: Enjoy Wood Green Community Website, Social Media promotion of Town Centre, Festive Lighting, Festivals and marketing for the Town Centre in publications and leaflets which are available locally.

People and Connectivity

The BID has delivered or is organisation projects including: The Library Garden, Street Cleaning, Environmental Services for Businesses and Wayfinding Improvements throughout the Town Centre

Wood Green BCRP

Wood Green Business Crime Reduction Partnership is funded and managed by the BID and works in partnership with Haringey Council and the local police to help reduct crime and anti-social behaiviour against businesses.

Please get in touch....

Please get in touch if you need to ask us a question or how the BID can support your business through our Projects and Activities.

Latest News

Fake £20 notes in Wood Green High Road

Dear Scheme supporter,The National Crime Agency (NCA) has asked us to alert Banknote Checking Scheme supporters to updated advice on how to check Scottish £20 and £50 notes, which they have produced in association with the Association of Commercial Banknote Issuers (ACBI).  Counterfeits continue to be accepted by retailers, although the counterfeit £50 notes are principally being…

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Welcome Javad to the Team!

We are delighted to announce that Javad Ossoulian will be joining us as the new Wood Green Business Improvement District (BID) Manager, starting on 6th January 2025. Javad brings with him a wealth of experience in community development, business engagement, and project management, making him the perfect fit to lead Wood Green BID into an exciting new…

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