About Us

Introduction to Wood Green BID

After a successful Yes vote in a ballot which took place during March 2018, Future Wood Green Business Improvement District (BID) was founded and started on July 1st 2018.  There are currently over three hundred Business Improvement District’s (BID’s) across the United Kingdom and are the fastest growing framework for Towns and City centres to support partnerships between local businesses, organisations and local bodies including the local authority and Police.

Future Wood Green has been set up with a clear vision of delivery and governance.  This includes a Board of Directors, Steering Groups, Finance Committee and management.

The BID is a not-for-profit company which is operated by a management team which is governed by a Board and works closely with other partner organisations to lobby, support and deliver a range of issues, projects and events.

The BID is funded mainly by a levy which is based on the rateable value of businesses within the geographical defined area, which can be seen by clicking here.