Future Wood Green Business Improvement District (BID) offer two types of memberships which are detailed below.  Membership to the BID Company will allow your organisation to nominate a member of your team to attend and vote at our Annual General Meeting’s plus throughout the year, we will be holding a number of events and seminars which will be for members only.

If you would like further information about the BID or discuss membership, please do not hesitate to contact Paul Collins, BID Manager on 020 3011 0504 or via e-mail at admin@woodgreenbid.co.uk

Levy Payers Membership

All Levy Payers within Wood Green can apply for membership as part of their Levy.  Please be aware that membership to Wood Green BID is separate from being a levy payer. Each organisation can nominate a representative to attend meetings, seminars and vote at our Annual General Meetings.

Throughout the year, the BID will be holding events which will be just for Members to attend.  For these events, anyone from your organisation can attend.  Once you have completed either the form below or a paper form which is available from our office, members of our board of directors will make their decision of your submission to accept your organisation as a member.  Once accepted, you will receive written confirmation.

As a member, you can also stand for one of the roles including Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Finance Chair.  Other roles maybe created by the Current Board of Directors.

Voluntary Membership

Voluntary membership to Future Wood Green BID is where a business which is either below the BID levy of £12,000 rateable value or those outside of the BID area to have a opportunity to become a member of Future Wood Green BID. Voluntary Membership starts from £50 per year and includes a range of benefits.  

Please be aware that only businesses or organisations which are located near to Wood Green will be accepted for Membership unless it has already been agreed by members of the Board of Directors you can join.

Membership Rates

These rates are per rateable value rate of your premises inc VAT:

  • Below £15,000: £50
  • Between £15,000 and £20,000:​ £120
  • Between £20,000 and £50,000: £250
  • Over £50,000​: £500

Once your submission is successful, the BID will invoice you for one of the above amounts.  Please note that your membership is not valid until payment has been cleared.

Benefits of Being a Member of Wood Green BID

  • Business listing on our new “Enjoy Wood Green” website with interactive map location pin and ability to post special offers**
  • Our monthly BID News with details of issues affecting business, events, training and business support. Each month we offer a space to publicise a member
  • Full free membership of our new business forum which meets each month.  The forum includes a presentation slot and networking.
  • Membership of our new Wood Green Business Crime Reduction Partnership (BCRP) group which also includes access to the Business Watch Scheme.
  • The ability to call our Street Rangers to use their services for your business*.
  • Reduced rates for public spaces for promotion and events in the Wood Green Area.
  • Member discounts on marketing campaigns and other services which the BID will offer over the time.
  • An invitation (with voting rights) to the Future Wood Green AGM

    Levy/Voluntary Membership Application Form

    Please complete the following form if your organisation wishes to apply for membership to Future Wood Green Business Improvement District (BID). Please complete all sections. Please note that if you are already a Levy Payer, membership to the BID is free. The costs of Voluntary Membership are as shown above.

    Organisation Details:

    Please complete all questions within this section

    Primary Contact Details:

    Nominated Person

    Please complete if different from Primary Contact Name


    By completing and submitting this form, I/We have the authority for the Organisation as said above to make a nomination to become Levy/Voluntary Members of Future Wood Green Ltd (Business Improvement District). I understand that my application for membership will be decided by members of the Board of Directors and the BID will write to me confirming the outcome of my applications. I also understand that if I am applying for Voluntary membership, the BID will issue an invoice for the amount applicable which until cleared funds have been received, the organisation will not be accepted as a voluntary member.