Wood Green BID Governance Board Members are responsible for the delivery, operation and transparency of the not-for-profit organisation which has the responsibility for delivering the Business Improvement Plan between July 2023 to June 2028.
As part of the BID Ballot 2023, the following changes to the Board for the period from July 2023 to June 2028 has taken place. The Board will be made up from at least representatives from 2 medium to large businesses and 4 from small businesses. The includes 2 x representatives from Turnpike Lane, 4 from Wood Green Town Centre, 2 non-voting members from Wood Green Youth Hub and Representatives from partner organisations including the Council, Police and TFL.
BID Board Directors and Observers
Harry Rashid
McDonalds – Franchise Owner
Chair of Board
Sol Ali
Gray and Co – Director
Vice Chair of Board
Sam Davidson
General Manager
The Mall Shopping Centre
Ginal Patel
Primark Wood Green
Store Manager
Hamad Awan
Metro Bank Wood Green
Store Manager
Councillor Ruth Gordon
Cabinet Member for Housebuilding, Placemaking and Development
Inspector Jamie Moggridge
Haringey Police
Town Centre Inspector
Keith Trotter
Haringey High Streets and Town Centres Manager
Sam Costello
Clockwise Offices
General Manager
BID Team
Keifer Lewin-Nation
Events and Marketing
Street Rangers
Wood Green BID Rangers
Getting involved...
The Board is currently inviting other business owners about representing businesses by becoming a Board Member. If you would like to become more involved with the BID, please do not hesitate to contact the BID Manager in the first instance by e-mailing office@woodgreenbid.co.uk