Budget 2021: What you need to know
The Chancellor of the Exchequer presented his Budget to Parliament on Wednesday 3 March 2021.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer presented his Budget to Parliament on Wednesday 3 March 2021.
Businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors are to receive a one-off grant worth up to £9,000, the Chancellor has announced.
The UK government has extended measures to prevent struggling companies from eviction over the summer. New code provides support to shops and local firms planning their future recovery with their landlord.
From Monday, it is the responsibility of each business to manage customers both inside and outside their premises and this guide highlights that you may require someone with a SIA badge to manage this for you.
The government is inviting landlords to take part in a pilot scheme to help regenerate the high street and support community groups. We are seeking applications by 14 December 2018, and the application form is included in the prospectus published here. The scheme will take place in 5 areas, matching landlords struggling to find tenants…
Are you starting out in business and looking for the ideal property to lease? Or you may be coming to the end of your current lease and need advice on next steps? Not sure whether a commercial lease is right for your business? This masterclass will equip you with the fundamentals you need to put…