Shaping Wood Green: The next steps in delivery
Shaping Wood Green: delivering the vision Haringey is a place brimming with creativity, vibrancy, personality, radicalism, diversity and community. A place that is proudly distinctive. A rebel borough. Wood Green is at the heart of Haringey. Working in partnership, we’ve created a vision for Wood Green – Shaping Wood Green – that explores themes for improvement including greening spaces, living well and more. But it also sets the direction for a once in a generation opportunity to catalyse major change in the area. We are ambitious for the future of Wood Green. Be part of the conversation on Shaping Wood Green and join us for a multi-disciplinary panel discussion. Click the link for more information The event will be hold at Clockwise on June 4th click the link for more information:…/shaping-wood-green-the…