Fully funded support to make your business greener

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The UK Government is subsidising a FREE sustainability and energy support programme for London SMEs, where businesses can learn how to be greener and more efficient.

The UK Government is subsidising a FREE sustainability and energy support programme for London SMEs, where businesses can learn how to be greener and more efficient.

Applications close at 23:59 on the 12th of November.

The Support includes:

·       Grants for sustainable innovations and energy efficiency initiatives.

·       Free access to an online learning portal where you’ll learn ways to future-proof your business.

·       Consultancy with experts from a range of fields including energy, LCAs, B Corp, marketing, etc.

·       12 months of free access to a carbon calculator to measure your business carbon footprint.

·       A tailored carbon reduction plan in line with national regulations.

·       A free energy audit and energy reduction report to help reduce your energy bills.

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