Haringey Discretionary Fund

In this article:

The government has announced extra funding for businesses in Haringey through the new Discretionary Grants Fund. This fund is aimed at small and micro businesses who were not eligible for the Small Business Grant Fund or the Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Fund. 

As there are limited resources available for this fund, and in order to support as many local businesses as possible, grant payments will initially be capped at £5,000. It is likely that most grant payments will be lower than this.

A set of criteria has been established to calculate grant payments that is intended to be fair, proportionate to relevant business costs and to reach as many eligible businesses as possible.

Grant payments will be made to eligible applicants based on three months rent and fixed property costs. If an applicant has received a rent holiday from their landlord, then any grant payment will be reduced accordingly.

As there are limited resources available for this fund, and in order to support as many local businesses as possible, grant payments will initially be capped at £5,000. It is likely that most grant payments will be lower than this.

A set of criteria has been established to calculate grant payments that is intended to be fair, proportionate to relevant business costs and to reach as many eligible businesses as possible. Grant payments will be made to eligible applicants based on three months rent and fixed property costs. If an applicant has received a rent holiday from their landlord, then any grant payment will be reduced accordingly.

For full information, criteria and to make an application, please visit the Haringey Council Website by Clicking here.


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