Making your business a real living wage employer

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The real Living Wage is the only UK wage rate based on the cost of living. It is voluntarily paid by over 14,000 UK businesses who believe their staff deserve a wage which meets everyday needs

The real Living Wage is the only UK wage rate based on the cost of living. It is voluntarily paid by over 14,000 UK businesses who believe their staff deserve a wage which meets everyday needs – like the weekly shop, or a surprise trip to the dentist.

This scheme is slightly different to the two other schemes which are Statutory but as an employer, there are benefits for voluntary paying the real living wage mainly you are showing a commitment to your staff and those who use your business that you value their time.

Living costs are much higher in London than in the rest of the UK – that is why the London Living Wage is higher than the UK rate. Our calculation is based on living costs and when it is annually recalulated we take into account any fluctuation in those costs. Rent is the primary living cost that causes the differential between the two rates but we also take into account childcare, travel costs, food and household bills. Read the latest London Minimum Income Standard here.

For further information about the scheme and how you can get involved, please click here

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