Wood Green BID are supporting the #RaisetheBar campaign which was started by Croydon BID which supports businesses who missed out on any grants by Central Government as their Ratable Value was over the £51,000 threshold.
#RaiseTheBar campaign, is asking Central Government to expand the rateable value threshold for all retail, hospitality and leisure businesses from £51,000 to a rateable value up to and including £150,000, allowing businesses the opportunity to access the £25,000 grant in order to survive.
If the rateable threshold was raised to £150k, 13,000 additional businesses in London, could benefit from the grant scheme.
Wood Green BID would encourage all business owners who own properties over the £51,000 threshold to visit the website below and also to sign the petition.
For more information visit – https://raisethebarcampaign.com