#RaisetheBar Campaign to support businesses over the £51k threshold

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Wood Green BID are supporting the #RaisetheBar campaign which was started by Croydon BID which supports businesses who missed out on any grants by Central Government as their Ratable Value was over the £51,000 threshold.

#RaiseTheBar campaign, is asking Central Government to expand the rateable value threshold for all retail, hospitality and leisure businesses from £51,000 to a rateable value up to and including £150,000, allowing businesses the opportunity to access the £25,000 grant in order to survive. 

If the rateable threshold was raised to £150k, 13,000 additional businesses in London, could benefit from the grant scheme.

Wood Green BID would encourage all business owners who own properties over the £51,000 threshold to visit the website below and also to sign the petition.

For more information visit – https://raisethebarcampaign.com

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This is the Admin for Future Wood Green Business Improvement District (BID). If you cannot find the information you are looking for please either use our FAQ's or use our contact us page.

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