Opportunity Haringey Launch

Book your place at the launch of Opportunity Haringey

Book your place for the launch of Opportunity Haringey, Haringey Council’s new Inclusive Economy Framework. The event will take place on Thursday 22 February, 6pm – 8pm at The College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London (CONEL). A key part of the event will be the ‘Opportunity Haringey Marketplace’ – where you can find out…

Wood Green Community Fun Day 2020

We are pleased to announce that Wood Green Community Fun Day will be taking place on Sunday 6th September 2020. If you would like to get involved in the planning of this event, please Message us. Further details will appear throughout the coming months

Haringey Pride 2020

We are pleased to announce that #Haringey #Pride will be taking place on Saturday 5th September 2020. If you would like to get involved in the planning of this event, please Message us. Further details will appear throughout the coming months.

Launch of N22 Networking for Businesses

TUESDAY 13th NOVEMBER 5.30pm – 8.30pm Join us and other business owners from around Wood Green for a networking meeting which is taking place at the Green Rooms on Station Road. This event is a great opportunity to those wishing to expand their business connections and seek new opportunities in a relaxed and fun environment. GUEST…