Wood Green BID has created four theme groups which cover all the delivery items based on our business plan to June 2028.  For further information about getting involved, please click on either the image or headings below. If you would like to get involved in our delivery group, please contact us.


Our Business and Investment theme has introduced a Business Forum called N22 Network which is providing networking meetings, workshops to support small to medium businesses, Pilot project to work with Community Groups.  We are also introducing a new investment focus group and a new group to support those looking to get into work or training in Wood Green. 


Events and Marketing Theme has introduced the Enjoy Wood Green website and social media to promote businesses, news, events and jobs.  As well as planning for events throughout the year including the Festive lights to support businesses, the BID also organises and holds a number of festivals. 


The Place and Connectivity Steering Group is introducing new placemaking concepts into Wood Green.  This includes creating in partnership with other organisations a Wood Green, Green Mile. Street Cleaning and better wayfinding is also being looked into.


To make Wood Green a place where all feel safe and businesses feel secure. To do this, the BID funds and manages the Business Crime Reduction Partnership with partners to provide Street Rangers, Town Centre Radio Scheme, BusinessWatch and a Intel Database.