Wood Green BCRP

Wood Green BCRP

Business Crime Reduction Partnership scheme is a partnership where businesses including retailers, bars, leisure and organisations unify as an independent group to pre-empt theft in business premises.

Wood Green BCRP, funded and managed by Wood Green BID works in partnership with local Council departments including Enforcement, Traiding Standards and also with the local Police force to reduce business crime and anti-social behavior with the objective to help make Wood Green and Turnpike Lane a safer place for residents, customers and staff.

The organisation offers a solutions which enables offenders or suspects to be spotted and tracked before they commit crimes against businesses – a proactive complement to the area’s neighborhood policing and response teams.

BID Street Rangers

Following on from the work achieved to date, the BID street rangers will support member business with backup assistance from those experiences low level crime and antisocial behaviour such as shoplifting.

Town Centre Radio Scheme

The BID will continue to fund around 150 radios for business that are BID levy payers.  The current system has around 100 radios in use throughout the town centre and has become a major method of communication for reporting issues and concerns

Intelligence Reporting (DISC)

The BID will continue providing the intelligence reporting system which links with the police and enforcement to ensure antisocial behaviour and crimes are reported and that evidence can be used to protect businesses.

BusinessWatch Meetings

The BID provides monthly BusinessWatch meetings which local businesses can attend and meet with partners from the Police and Council to discuss actions and issues.

Women's Night Safety Charter

The BID signed a pledge to support a range of ways to support Women in the Town Centre at night.  Working with Partners this includes, training and awareness.

Banknote Checking Scheme

Wood Green BID is a member of the Banknote Checking Scheme and passes on updates and information including training on supporting businesses on banknote fraud.

Safe Places Scheme

The BID working with Businesses and Partners create a number of safe places within the Town Centre where members of the public who feel venerable can go to for support.

Civil Recovery

If the BID is successful in Ballot, a new service to be looked into on behalf of the Businesses is to provide a civil recovery service to support especially small to medium businesses.

Useful Download Header

In this section you will find useful documents and information from a range of partners and the BCRP to support your businesses for crime and anti-social behaivour issues.

Wood Green BCRP Committee

Wood Green BCRP is managed by the BID in partnership with Haringey Council and Haringey Met Police. The Committee which oversees the activities and delivery of the BCRP meets regulary throughout the year and is open for any Levy member to request to Join.  The Group due its content is limited and repretation throughout is key. To find out more or to join the committee, please contact us.

Wood Green BCRP Partners & Schemes