Safe Places Scheme - Header

Wood Green Safer Places Scheme

Working in partnership with a number of local organisations, Wood Green BCRP will work with local businesses and other organisations who have premises within Wood Green Town Centre and Turnpike Lane to create a Safer Places Scheme.

The Safe Place project will offer training and support to those businesses signing up to the scheme through Wood Green BCRP and have a quiet space they can use to offer it to those who may be working, shopping or visiting the Town Centre and feel venerable, overwhelmed or threatened. 

Support needed could just be that someone needs some space to gather their thoughts or a young person who may feel like they are in danger or threatened by others.  

Once the scheme is up and running, window stickers will be provided and we will provide leaflets which can be distributed as well as listing spaces on our websites.

Further details on the scheme will be published soon.