Have your Say on proposals to introduce Red Routes into Wood Green

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The Council will undertake consultation on proposals to make A105 High Road, N22 in Wood Green, between Bounds Green Road and Turnpike Lane into a Red Route. The consultation will last between 9 August and 13 September 2024.

Wood Green High Road is a busy high street used by motor traffic and pedestrians during day and night. Parking bays have been provided along this street, some to allow safe places for loading/unloading to serve businesses and for disabled blue badge holders to park. To ensure a safe environment for all users including pedestrians who are regularly obstructed by illegal pavement parking,  as well as allowing emergency services and buses travel through quickly and safely, it is important that enforcement is undertaken effectively.
In summary, a Red Route will involve converting the road to a ‘No Stopping Zone’, with all yellow lines converted to red. This means stopping will NOT be allowed for any motor vehicle (except emergency services, licenced taxis (Black Cabs) or disabled badge holders) to stop to pick up or to set down passengers, or load/unload goods outside of the designated bays.

There are no proposals to remove or reduce any marked parking bays, which will remain as is.  
The full consultation documents are available via the Council’s website.

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